Service by direct distribution of food items to local Schools or partnering with other non profit organization.
Service by direct distribution of food items to local Schools or partnering with other non profit organization.
PrimeYEF takes pride in bringing joy to school children who might otherwise be overlooked, fostering hope and inclusion through impactful initiatives.
We extend our heartfelt thanks for sponsoring our annual end-of-year event. Your generous support makes a difference, and we pray for your continued blessings.
We are delighted to have been able to provide Educational materials and supported High Achieving Students.
Thank you PRIMEYEF for supporting our school: Headmistress
Our organization truly believes that by working together, we can save more lives than ever before.
Suwanee, GA
Abuja, Nigeria
Imo State, Nigeria
Copyright 2025 Prime Youth Empowerment Foundation
Subscribe now to receive our latest volunteer opportunities or sponsor a school availability.
Supporting and appreciating local Teachers is one of the main mission of PrimeYEF and we are excited to provide support as always.
This organization is always thinking about us irrespective of the hard ship brought by covid this year. We didn't expect the event this yet and yet they showed up.